Thursday, June 26, 2008

Maryvale Orphanage

We had our first week volunteering at the orphange in Monterey Park!!
Sadly, we are not allowed to take pictures of the girls because of sercurity reasons so I can not post any of our activities.
However, we had an overflow of volunteers from the church!! We actually had to split volunteers up into rotating dates! I went on Wednesday and led the arts activity with the girls who were 13-15 years old. They were very creative and very focused on their work. I love being able to include art in various places of my work :) Games are always a struggle with the girls because we cannot have any physical contact with them. Therefore, we can't even play a simple game like tag. So we are having to be really creative with games and relays.
Please pray for the girls at the orphanage for they have all been abused in their past and suffer from various degrees of disorders and disabilities. They are all beautiful and need to feel loved! I am sad that I will have to miss out on three weeks of volunteering with them while in Taiwan!

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