Friday, June 6, 2008


Work has definately been interesting and busy this week!
First, Wilson and Patty are also on staff in the English ministry and the three of us visited Maryvale which was founded as The Los Angeles Orphan Asylum way back in 1856. Today the Orphanage is in Monterey Park and is on 16 acres of land. During the summer volunteers from church will be going to Maryvale twice a week on every Tuesday and Wednesday. Currently, Patty and I are putting together the activities, games, waterpark trip, cake decorating day, etc for the girls at the orphange. Church volunteers will start going Tuesday the 24th. I am mostly in charge of faciliating and organizing with Patty. Please pray for this time as many youth from church will be serving here during the summer.
At cell group tonight I will be leading discussion on Ecclesiastes 2, "Pleasures are Meaningless".
Please pray for wisdom while speaking and for the hearts of the youth hearing and reading the Word.
Some girls and I are doing: Read the New Testament in a Month!
Okay so this is very ambitious of us but we are going to do it! We are reading 10 chapters a day and that will equal the whole NT within a month. We are starting today so feel free to jump in along side us!
Prayer Request: Unity of the missions team going to Taiwan and Korea! I am having the girls on the trip over on Saturday and we are baking for a fundraising bake sale! I hope this to be a great time for us girls on the team to bond and spend time together before we leave for Taiwan.

1 comment:

Rich said...

sounds like your doing some sweet stuff. I met this really cool guy who has this developmental nonprof. I think you would like what they do. Ill tell you about it sometime.